Clarisse Hahn

Born in 1973 in Paris ()
Lives and works in Paris (France )
Liste expositions

Les Protestants, 2005

Kurdish Lover, 2009

Raymond Hains

Born in 1926 in Saint-brieuc (). Died im 2005

Artistes Propaganda II

Artistes propaganda II, 1977 - 1978

Perry Hall

Born in 1967 in in United States

Turbulence Drawing System, 2014

Mona Hatoum

Born in 1952 in (Lebanon)
Lives and works in London (United Kingdom ) and in London (Germany )
Liste expositions

Don't Smile, You're on Camera, 1980

So Much I Want to Say, 1983

The Negotiating Table, 1983

Changing Parts, 1984

Variations On Discord and Divisions, 1984

Roadworks, 1985

Measures of Distance, 1988

Corps étranger, 1994

Bernard Heidsieck

Born in 1928 in Paris (). Died im 2014

Artistes Propaganda II

Artistes propaganda II, 1977 - 1978

Gary Hill

Born in 1951 in (United States)
Lives and works in (United States )
Liste expositions

Air Raid, 1974

Mirror Road, 1976

Bathing, 1977

Bits, 1977

Windows, 1978

Electronic Linguistic, 1978

Sums and Differences, 1978

Full Circle, 1978

Mouth Piece, 1978

Elements, 1978

Primary, 1978

Equal Time, 1979

Mediations (Excerpt from a Remake of Soundings), 1979 - 1986

Objects with Destination, 1979

Picture Story, 1979

Soundings, 1979

Around and About, 1980

Black/White/Text, 1980

Commentary, 1980

Processual Video, 1980

Videograms, 1980 - 1981

Primarily speaking, 1981 - 1983

Happenstance (Part One of Many Parts), 1983

Why Do Things Get in a Muddle ? (Come on Petunia), 1984

Tale Enclosure, 1985

Ura Aru (The Backside Exists), 1985 - 1986

Incidence of Catastrophe, 1987 - 1988

Disturbance (among the jars), 1988

Site Recite (A Prologue), 1989

Solstice d'Hiver, 1990

Thomas Hirschhorn

Born in 1957 in Bern (Switzerland)
Lives and works in Paris (France )
Liste expositions

Fifty-Fifty à Belleville, 1992

Les Monstres, 1993

Antifaschistische Aktion, 1995

Robert Walser Video, 1995

Thank You, 1995

I Will Win, 1995

HSU Che-Yu

Born in 1985 in (Taïwan)
Lives and works in (Taïwan )

No News from Home, 2016

Joël Hubaut

Born in 1947 in Amiens ()
Lives in (France )
Works in (France )

Artistes Propaganda II

Artistes propaganda II, 1977 - 1978

Artistes propaganda II, 1977 - 1978

Pierre Huyghe

Born in 1962 in Antony ()
Lives and works in Paris (France )
Liste expositions

Dubbing, 1996

The Third Memory, 1999

This is not a time for dreaming, 2004